50 USA

50 states | 50 artists | 50 women | 50 artworks | 50 endangered / threatened / species of concern one creative voice for conservation.

We now have commitment from talented artists from the 50 States  of the USA – (artist gallery link)  who will depict the endangered or threatened species shown as ambassador animals for their State. Some artworks have now been complete and we have loaded them below.

original artwork
medium – any
size – square format – maximum size 40 inches x 40 inches    … can be miniature up to 40 inches (approx 1 metre)
delivery to Australia or an address in the USA (tbc) by August 2021
artwork unframed –  digital artworks accepted if artwork produced on computer / iPad

Click on this link to view the artist gallery Also take a look at 50 BOOKS (link) the concept is to have a children’s rhyming book published for each species to accompany the tour.

50/702 USA * There are 702 fauna species listed as Endangered  or Threatened with extinction by the US Fish and Wildlife Service www.fws.org link   

NB 50 selected artworks for a koala (by Australian based female artists) will accompany this tour of the USA.