living with Koalas artist -Elizabeth COGLEY

100 Artworks for a Koala entry by Elizabeth Cogley.    Title: ‘ Reaching Out ‘ – pastel, acrylic, watercolour & pencil

Living with Koalas artist Elizabeth Cogley

Elizabeth COGLEY

An award-winning wildlife artist based in Victoria, Australia

100 Artworks for a Koala entry: Title: ‘Reaching Out

Size: W 70cm x H 58cm | Medium: original – pastel, acrylic, watercolour and pencil.

“The Koalas in this painting were rehabilitated and released back into the wild.  My friend, Stella Reid, invited me to her shelter to see them and take pictures of their release. Not only did I get to share in the experience of seeing rehabilitated wildlife being free again but I was so inspired to do this painting.  I reflected on how we need to be able to live alongside our wildlife in a sustainable way and hence the title ‘Reaching Out’. “ Elizabeth Cogley 

Elizabeth Cogley: “There are many aspects of creating an artwork.  Use of medium, for me, should be appropriate to the subject.  Depending on the environment, a choice of airbrushing, pastel or acrylic paint, or a combination of these is used.  In each painting the animal or bird usually begins with layers of watercolour then more detailed work follows in pencil and finally gauche. Sometimes texture is exciting to use in the artworks.  Texture can highlight the beauty of a rock, bark, moss or even the earth.  When painting using oil paint, oil is all I use.  Sometimes, however, it is great to add texture as well. 

From the furthermost points of Cape York, Queensland to Wilsons Promontory in Victoria, from Steep Point, Western Australia to Byron Bay on the mainland and then Tasmania, from our deserts to our tropical areas, our ecosystems are so varied and amazingly beautiful.  My aim is to explore each region and gather plenty of reference material and knowledge of each area’s history and its flora and fauna, and also take every opportunity I can to protect our ecosystems.

Many of the creatures in my paintings are those of wildlife that have been rescued or have been orphaned. Others became the subject of paintings simply because they were an inspiration. My love of the Australian Bush and it’s Wildlife and importance the of protecting our beautiful and fragile environment are part of  what continues to inspire me to paint.. I find great comfort in the process of creating an artwork, not only in the painting process but the journey of discovery that it takes me on beforehand.” 

  • Finalist in the Holmes Art Prize for Realistic Bird Art 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 
  • Mornington Art Exhibition 2012 – Best Exhibit – “Australian Lace Monitor”
  • Grampians Wildlife Arts Society Inc. – Best in Show- “Australian Lace Monitor
  • Finalist in the Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize “Australian Lace Monitor”
  • Wildlife Art Society of Australasia Inc. 2010, 2008, 2006, 2002,2001, 1999, 1996

Publications include the Australian Geographic Calendar, children’s’ books and art publications.

Elizabeth Cogley is involved with The Wildlife Art Museum of Australia (WAMA) project and vision located in the Northern Grampians (Gariwerd), Victoria Australia.  This is a very exciting project, which showcases wildlife and natural history artists in an Australian botanical landscape.  It will be a platform where local and international people can experience the connection between art, science and nature.  

Elizabeth is one of the artists included in the first WAMA publication “Inspiration Wild” (An Artistic Celebration of Nature and Environment) This book showcases a selection of nationally and internationally renowned artists.

Living with Koalas 100 artworks