100 Artworks for a Koala entry by Swati Hulsure.    Title: ‘Beautiful Abode’  – photography

Living with Koalas photographer - Swati Hulsure


A passionate photographer and a creative artist based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 

“If I can stir up an emotion within people through my photography nothing can be more satisfying.”

100 Artworks for a Koala entry: Title: ‘Beautiful Abode‘  | Size: A1 | Medium: photography

“The recent bushfires [2019 /2020] were devastating to the wildlife habitat and population of koalas in Australia. Gum trees are the home and abode for these cute, cuddly and sweet koalas. I have photographed these beautiful gum tree flowers to remind us all that it is a home, shelter and food for these beautiful creatures. I hope to raise awareness for wildlife conservation through my contribution.” Swati Hulsure 

Swati Hulsure is a passionate photographer and a creative artist. She loves photographing nature, flowers, animals, landscapes, seascapes, architecture, families, children and people in their candid moments. She has won few awards at State and National level. She is enthusiastic and loves to be involved in volunteer work on various occasions for the community, related to photography through AIPP – Australian Institute of Professional Photographers. She is also very passionate about wildlife and habitat conservation and has volunteered for the cause. She is originally from India and currently lives and works in Melbourne, Australia. Her Indian heritage and her experience living in Australia influence her art and photography. Her background in Graphic Design and her love for painting gives her an added advantage when it comes to composition, colours and aesthetics in photography. 

You can say so much through photography. I love how light interacts with a subject and can make something ordinary look extraordinary. I enjoy capturing candid magical moments. I love that with our photographs we can tell stories. I love bringing a smile on people’s faces as much as I love to create an emotive photograph that is melancholy and deeply moving. If I can stir up an emotion within people through my photography nothing can be more satisfying. Photography has immensely changed the way I look at the world. It is something that I enjoy very much and it’s almost like a meditative and therapeutic process for me.”

Swati is also a watercolour artist. She has always loved art and drawing since her childhood. She is a nature lover and enjoys painting baby animals & birds. Nature with its beautiful trees, flowers, animals, birds, mountains, lakes and oceans inspires her. She absolutely adores children. Her drawings are emotive and cute. Children and adults both love her art.

“What I love about watercolour as a medium is that it has its very soft and delicate aesthetics. How water moves and interacts with paint; the fluid and unpredictable nature of both, like you never know how the painting is going to turn out. It is like finding a wonderful surprise at the end of the process. That is what is so beautiful and enjoyable to me.” 

Artist awards

  • Oct 2019 Finalist in the Travel/Street Category and received a Honourable mention at the APA – Australian Photography Awards.
  • June 2019 Silver Award (Travel Single Capture) – AIPP Victorian State Photography Award 2019
  • Aug 2018 2018 Ian Poole Memorial Luminous Grant Award – AIPP APPA 2018
  • Aug 2018 Silver Award (Travel Category) – AIPP APPA 2018
  • April 2018 Silver Award (Landscape Single Capture) – AIPP Victorian State Photography Award 2018

Artist exhibitions

  • Victorian Photographer’s Collective 2019 Group exhibition – Photographs “Australia Our Great Southern Land” at Magnet Galleries Dockland.

Park Artists Art Show 2016, 2017, 2018 at the Box Hill Neighbourhood Centre. Exhibited watercolour paintings along with other artists as a group exhibition.

  • 2016 – Park Artists Show  – Watercolour group exhibition. Exhibited 12 paintings 
  • 2017 – Park Artists Show  – Watercolour group exhibition. Exhibited 15 paintings
  • 2018 – Park Artists Show  – Watercolour group exhibition. Exhibited 29 paintings


@swati.hulsure – Photography

@swatihulsureartist – Paintings

Email: swati.hulsure@gmail.com

Living with Koalas 100 artworks