Covid. Our planned auction on Australia Day 2021 in Los Angles was a casualty of COVID 19. We are now working on alternative dates for a live event in US later sometime in 2022. Fingers crossed.
Online auctions and sales in Australia are also being explored, especially for the larger pieces as it will save considerably on transport costs and help fund some of the work in putting this project together.
Despite not raising monies from the auction we are progressing with the scanning / photographing of all artworks for a planned book / catalogue. We have already experimented with producing A2 high quality canvas prints – landscape and portrait depending on original artwork format – which we will shadow frame in a Eucalyptus timber. These hi-res canvas prints will form the 100 artworks travelling show.
We will start the tour in NSW in the coming months and plan to visit all other States over the coming months and years. Venues which can’t take all 100 artworks will be offered to showcase a selection.
Products using images from some of the artworks are being developed. We have a range of Australian-made coffee and tea, a beautiful prototype tea set (cups and teapot with wooden handles) and have samples of Australian grown cotton tea towels now printed with some images. More products are being explored including a range of greeting cards and other print items.
Back to the USA – we are keen to raise awareness of the plight of koalas (and funds) in the USA and we will take selected artworks from the 100 ARTWORKS to accompany a new initiative –
50 USA – 50 States, 50 artworks, 50 women – one creative voice for conservation.
We now have 48 sates confirmed (2to go). See these link https://livingwithkoalas.com.au/50-usa/ and https://livingwithkoalas.com.au/50-usa-artist-gallery/
Each artist is producing an original painting (square format) of an endangered species of their State. No animal will be replicated. It is 50/702 originaL edition. There are 702 fauna species listed Federally in the US as threatened, endangered or of ‘special concern’.
(NB there are 463 on the AustralianFederal equivalent list and the Koala is still not listed as Endangered or Threatened – only Vulnerable – go figure!)
The 50 USA is an ambassador selection for all species in the wild threatened with extinction in the USA. This exhibition to tour the US late 2022 beyond – all States – surely COVID will have been contained by then?!
We will be taking a selection of 100 ARTWORKS for a KOALA and Aussie-made products on the US tour. That is all for now. We will continue to update instagram /facebook and keep all artists informed as dates and any sales are confirmed and of any products where we would like to use the copyright of an original.
All artworks are currently being stored in a secure, windowless, air conditioned Safe ’n’ Sound unit in Port Macquarie. NB for artists still to forward originals – there are a few outstanding so the Covid delay is positive in this respect – we hope you can deliver them soon for inclusion. Please contact us asap.
We now also have agreements and arrangements with a number of professional tree growers to take Eucalyptus seeds and tube stock of koala food trees and grow them into 2 metre+ young trees over 2 years – ready for planting where koalas need them most. We will also reactivate our Primary Skools education prpgramme.
Best wishes for now … more in the coming weeks.
G Henshaw
Director, Living with Koalas
0434 028292 | insta @livingwithkoalas | www.lwk.net.au