sad and good? news for KOALAS
the sad news
Australia has listed the koala as an endangered species across most of its east coast, after a dramatic decline in numbers.
The once-thriving marsupial has been ravaged by land clearing, bushfires, drought, disease and other threats.
The federal government said the listing was for Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
It has been urged to do more to protect koalas from rapidly diminishing habitats and climate change.
The species was listed as “vulnerable” in those states and territory only in 2012. Despite the rapid deterioration, governments have been accused of dithering.
The good news?
“This listing adds priority when it comes to the conservation of the koala,” Environment Minister Sussan Ley said ….
mmm – we shall see…
see this article
this is the response from Deborah Tabart – OAM, Chair of Save the Koala
Hello Koala Lovers,
Well, the Minister for Environment, in her desire to keep her government in power has decided to make yet another meaningless announcement that she will upgrade the Koala from Vulnerable to Endangered under the EPBC Act. I predicted this in a previous Diary.
And as always, we can feel an election coming, and very soon. Probably a good time to launch “Don’t Vote for a Dill”. For overseas supporters a Dill – in Aussie language is “Another word for an idiot, or someone who does things without thinking.”
Sad thing is that since the Koala was listed in April of 2012, one Labor Minister and four Liberal Ministers have failed to do anything to protect the Koala. So who do we vote for? Well, certainly not for a Dill. Australians, think wisely in the upcoming election – it is your future in their hands and truly it will be the most important election of this century. We will need wise and careful leaders who think of our future and not their own comfort and seats in power.
My press release about this is at this link